I always forget the sytax of linking js and css files in html file so just putting it here for quick reference in future <head> <link...
(raw notes)Nullish coalescing operator (??) if the left side operand is NULL or UNDEFINED, the right-hand side operand is returned.const foo = null ??...
//Some notes on flex aug2020 parent element, known as “flex container” children (said “flex items”) Generally for mobile views flex direction :column...
//Kind of notes to myself Object is a collection of associated key/value pairs. const car = { color: 'red', year: 1992, isPreOwned:...
Session storage But, first, what is session? Small story: A user enters the app -> the session is started, as soon as user closes the window or closes...
name value pairs: A name may have been defined more than once, but can have only one value at any given context.(ie the section of code that is...